Total number of registered users
Number of new users per month
What is the trend of total cumulative users per month?
What is the number of active users (who submitted story, comment) per year, per quarter, per month, per week?
Users who submitted the most stories on hackernews
By | Count |
rbanffy | 28.94k |
Tomte | 22.21k |
tosh | 17.73k |
pseudolus | 15.59k |
ingve | 13.95k |
jonbaer | 13.58k |
bookofjoe | 12.78k |
mooreds | 11.73k |
todsacerdoti | 10.34k |
evo_9 | 9.52k |
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10 of 20 records
No Results
Users with the most comments submitted on hackernews
By | Count |
dang | 66.4k |
tptacek | 61.7k |
58.1k | |
jacquesm | 55.0k |
pjmlp | 53.8k |
dragonwriter | 52.2k |
coldtea | 34.2k |
TeMPOraL | 32.3k |
rayiner | 27.2k |
dredmorbius | 27.0k |
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10 of 20 records
No Results
Users who got the most voted on hackernews
By | Count |
rbanffy | 28.94k |
Tomte | 22.21k |
tosh | 17.73k |
pseudolus | 15.59k |
ingve | 13.95k |
jonbaer | 13.58k |
bookofjoe | 12.78k |
mooreds | 11.73k |
todsacerdoti | 10.34k |
evo_9 | 9.52k |
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10 of 20 records
No Results